Sunday, March 22, 2020


This is the first of CCQS-related entries. As we all may have heard/read, most of the Philippines is now in a state of calamity due to the effects of the new coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) that started to spread in January 2020. It's been a week since our community quarantine started and things have only gotten worse since then. In the coming days until the quarantine gets lifted, I will post some highlights and random musings from my days locked up at home. I don't feel too comfortable posting on Facebook or Instagram so I'm posting everything here, where I feel freer. For that, thank you, Blogger.

I am cramming a script right now--thankful that I'm still getting one or two scripts a month from 20Plus--so I might post something after I submit it to the very patient & ever-reliable Dubbing Supervisor, Dain.

Dear reader, wherever you are, whoever you are, what ever you may be going through at this time, thank you for stumbling into my blog. Please know that I pray for you & wish you all the goodness you deserve.

You are loved.

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