Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Today I changed my blog's name and url

Started in 2004 with hamburgerizedjunk. I changed it in 2015 to hamburgerized. In 2020 I changed the name to Solitary Spinster, but retained the url. Now I changed both to olagalaw. Maybe I should retain hamburgerizedjunk? I don't know. Might change mind soon. Or not. 

Man, being like this is confusing.

Edit: April 24, 2022, I reverted the url to hamburgerized because that is how I started. Fickle that I am, another change is underway somewhere down the line.

So I told my boss...

...that I am resigning. I thought I was going to burst in tears, but I did not. I would so much like to stay, but I want something else.I need something else. There is so much out there and I've been letting my anxiety hold me back. This is my crossroads and I've already made my choice. I am sad to be leaving, but there is another path I must take. 

Next week, I might do a photowalk inside the campus, which has been my solace for almost three years.