Friday, November 11, 2022

Wishful Thinking

I love them, but I can't help but feel tired of all the responsibilities. I wish I have the freedom to take time off so I can heal from all my traumas, maybe live in isolation for a while, maybe find my mind. 

Happy 14 years of breadwinning, biatch. Don't give up.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Makes me wonder

I wonder who else feels this way. Like something's always wrong; something untoward is always about to happen. There is a slight tightness in my chest and I am overwhelmed by all the things I have to do and I end up doing nothing--the peak of this happened to me more than 10 years ago amd I have been stuck ever since. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Today I changed my blog's name and url

Started in 2004 with hamburgerizedjunk. I changed it in 2015 to hamburgerized. In 2020 I changed the name to Solitary Spinster, but retained the url. Now I changed both to olagalaw. Maybe I should retain hamburgerizedjunk? I don't know. Might change mind soon. Or not. 

Man, being like this is confusing.

Edit: April 24, 2022, I reverted the url to hamburgerized because that is how I started. Fickle that I am, another change is underway somewhere down the line.

So I told my boss...

...that I am resigning. I thought I was going to burst in tears, but I did not. I would so much like to stay, but I want something else.I need something else. There is so much out there and I've been letting my anxiety hold me back. This is my crossroads and I've already made my choice. I am sad to be leaving, but there is another path I must take. 

Next week, I might do a photowalk inside the campus, which has been my solace for almost three years. 

Friday, March 18, 2022


Sometimes I want to let go of things I have grown accustomed to, but I do not want to deal with the stress :( 

Friday, March 04, 2022

It's been a while

It's been a while since I recovered from covid. But feeling like I am neck deep in misery, there is no escaping it. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Days 8 & 9

My eighth day of isolation was yesterday. The whole day went by just fine, everything seemed to be looking up despite being short of breath each time I had to get up.

The embroidery project I was working on was halfway done by 4:30, & the book I was reading has gotten more interesting as the sun set. 

At nine o'clock in the evening, however, things took a dark turn. My nose got clogged and I felt a bit sick. The school nurse monitoring me daily advised me to steam, which I did, and it helped me breathe better, and made my skin dewy. A tablet of Benadryl lulled me to sleep. 

Here's a pic of my breakfast for day 8:
That's oatmeal champorado made with Davao tablea.

Anyway, today is my 9th day of isolation. Woke up feeling much better,  but realized that I still suffer from shortness of breath after a little bit of movement. My boyfriend insists it is because I've been lacking exercise these past few months, but as the owner of my body, this feels different.

I read online that shortness of breath is one of covid's after-effects. Such may linger for an indefinite amount of time, but I found no explanation for it. I am just thankful that I did not need to be hospitalized, and I had rhe means to isolate myself. 

Tomorrow is my last day of quarantine and, per the nurse, I can go back to work if I feel well enough to do so. On Monday I plan to get tested, for my own peace of mind. 

Negative thoughts never felt so positive.

Bye-bye, covid, I hope. My fingers remain crossed.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Days 6 & 7

Wasn't able to post for two days because my brain's been acting up forever.

Several weeks ago I bought this sack dress off a nearby ukay-ukay for 30 pesos. 
Sure, it has some holes and dirt, but since I'm only using it for my new project, it doesn't matter. It is even large enough to sew a new sleeveless blouse.

This is what I am working on now:
It's a pattern off the DMC website, but I'm making some changes. 

I learned to sew and embroider in elementary but I didn't really put that skill to use except in emergency cases (torn shorts, blouses, etc). Then, last year, I thought of turning it into a hobby since I can be pretty good with my hands when I realllly want to. So, I bought a cheap kit on Shopee and that kit remained stashed in my closet for half a year until a few days ago.

Anyway, I've been feeling better these past few days and am hoping to test negative soon. I am going to miss staying at home all the time, isolated from everyone, but the road also ends for things that are good. 

Here is my breakfast for today:
And yesterday:
All shall be well, dear nonexistent reader. The sun will keep shining and setting.

You are loved.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Day 5, the old maid's tale

It is only a title, there is no actual tale from this old maid. 

I've resumed reading The Handmaid's Tale & the story is just getting more interesting to me. Hopefully I get to finish it before my quarantine ends, as I binge Cobra Kai on the side. 

Had pork-tomato soup for lunch and dinner (with store-bought kimchi). Also tried Korean honey-citron for the first time. While taste is not an issue, I prefer the good old salabat.

Today's pulse ox data:
The school nurse advised me to practice deep breathing to expand my lungs. Tasting & smelling abilities are back on track as well, about 90%, and my coughing is less. My cough is more productive than my self, tho. 🤷‍♀️

Tomorrow is going to be soooo much better. I am optimistic like that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Day 4

Things are a bit better today, but I still have the virus. Being in isolation feels familiar and I have to say I missed it. 

But.... I miss my dog, and my family (no pic for privacy!).

I miss my boyfriend, who is in the other room isolating as well.
Here is what I ate for lunch on day 4:
Aside from Berocca, vitamin c with zinc tablets twice a day, lots of water, and fruits, drugs are not a huge part of my journey to the other side of covid.

Until tomorrow, nonexistent reader. I hope you remain thankful. You are loved.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Day 3 Covid

Oh look at that, it's the full moon. 
My third day today. Dry day. Feverish, no fever. Coughing the whole day. Tomorrow is going to be better.

Here are my day 3 selfies

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Day 2 of Covid positivity

Tired, but thankful that my symptoms are mild because I have to be strong to look after myself. 

I live with my boyfriend, but for some reason he couldn't PROACTIVELY clean the bathroom, sweep, mop and disinfect the floors, and really take care of me being the sick person I am at the moment. This stresses me out more. Gotta depend on me.

I am a covid-positive puddle of stress today. 

     Here is a selfie of me trying to work on a script earlier this afternoon. Yes, I work hard for the money.

Gotta go cry myself to bed now, while my boyfriend sleeps in the next room--he said he's coming down with a cold.

Hang on, self. Tomorrow's going to be better. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

I got hit by c--id's arrow :(

This morning I learned I'm covid positive. I'm still hoping it was a false positive (will find out tomorrow or the day after). 

At first it felt like an arrow hit me, but 16 hours into it I feel like the frog who didn't know it was being cooked alive. Or something like that.

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

I'm feeling 20-22

So... I got myself a mountain bike last Dec. 30 and tried it out for the first time on Jan 3. It was exhilarating to say the least. I love my folding bike to bits, but this new bike makes me wish I'd gotten it sooner!

Just realized I have no photo of it yet. It's a pretty decent bike on the lower end of the spectrum, with a frame that's a tad big for me and parts from L's old bike's parts, but I've come to like it. Gets the job done. 

Meanwhile, everything else is the same. I have no resolutions--never really believed in them, no concrete plans except that I've decided to quit my office job this year. I'm going back to writing full time. 

I'm proud of my career as an ADR scriptwriter and I love it.