Thursday, December 27, 2018

Almost year-end

I went out for a 5k run yesterday afternoon, after so long. I've almost forgotten how exhilarating it felt. I missed my heart racing. I missed the wind on my face. I missed the heat and the high I feel after.

My final interview for this job I'm applying for is on the 31st and I'm kind of anxious. I hope I get it, I do hope their promise of a high salary and good benefits are real, I hope it really isn't stressful. Is this what the Universe wants for me?

Meanwhile, my brother has officially moved into his new condo & will be starting in his new work in February. I feel inspired to follow suit. I have to keep this up.

Three days before I get to see L again.

Sometimes it seems as if the easiest way out is a shot to the head, but my heart wants to keep beating even when it's all thorns and sharp blades all around.

Makes me wonder what tomorrow brings.

Que sera, sera.


Dear self, dear nonexistent reader, you are loved.

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