Saturday, July 07, 2018

Today has been bleh-bleh-bleh

I went to Manila today to get my TF. It wasn't much, but enough to last us a few weeks. The whole thing was tiring. Traffic, pollution, crowds, expenses. Feeling down, as usual. (huge sigh)

As soon as I got home, I sent 27 a message. He replied after some time & we chatted a bit about his sprain, stuff about stress, physical activity, the weather, fresh carrot juice, &c. I felt like crying the whole time. Should I really see a professional about this? I wish I could tell 27 how much I appreciate him chatting with me every day. I forget about my misery. Maybe I'll tell him one day when I'm not too emotional.

Hey, 27, you're by far the best distraction I've ever come across & you're always welcome. 

At the same time, I'm preparing myself for possible ghosting because, well, you never know. Bring it on, I'm ready. I can handle it. I can lose another friend. Pero huwag muna, please.

Lead me down your rabbit hole
wreck my mind
reel me out
make me mad

It's getting bigger than I expected
and I'm only getting smaller

Going to sleep in a while. I want to hike tomorrow but I have no extra money for that. Besides, there's a super typhoon coming up so hiking might not be a good idea. Rain is the last thing I need now. Listening to "When You're Gone" by The Cranberries.

Sleep well, nonexistent reader. Things will be better in the morrow.

Off to my last song for the night, "Sweet" by Pacifika.

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