Tuesday, February 09, 2010

From my house of random thoughts

I feel like crap.  I always say that I want to go home.  I do not even know where home is anymore.  Do I want to go home to my cramped and stinky dorm?  Do I want to go home in the province where my mom will bombard me with stories of other people’s problems?  I dunno.  Right now, home is where peace is.  On the other hand, Ate Karen’s condo kind of feels like where I want to be right now.  I do not know where to go.  Maybe some place where I can cry without being judged..  I feel like crying right now and I am not exactly sure why. My hair looks bad, I have  a ginormous pimple on my left cheek, I feel bloated, I gained weight, and I want to go home!  Bad hair day.  I want to buy books.  I want to go shopping.  I want to exercise because I read in an internet article that exercise helps the body secrete these hormones which make you feel less sad.  I wanna perspire my sadness out of me. L

I want to go home.  Badly.  I think my eyes hurt. I want to go home!!! 

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